I saw the
article linked by
Reb Shmuel on his blog and was actually quite disturbed.
Firstly, I want to say that I am in favor of
Ahavas Yisroel. I am no smarter that the
Ribbono Shel
Olam who said "
Vi'ahavta Li'rayacha Kamocha". And no smarter than
Rebbe Akiva who said that loving your friend is the "
Klal Gadol" of the Torah. It is such an important rule that it is "
kolel" [encompasses] the entire Torah.
Also I have nothing against the honorable Rabbi who wrote the article who is undoubtedly a MUCH better human being than I am. A better human being and most likely a better teacher, a better Jew and contributing much more to the future of our people than I.
BUT [a big "but"] I think that the educational approach he espouses is POTENTIALLY dangerous. I don't think that all the views of all branches of Orthodox Judaism are the "Words Of The Living G-d" [
Divrei Elokim Chayim]. Almost nobody thinks so. Take for example the
Rebbe of the writer of the aforementioned article. He often writes that the
Charedim are making FUNDAMENTAL errors in their
Yiddishkeit. The
Chazon Ish was WRONG when he didn't support the
Medinah and didn't say
Hallel and
Shehecheyanu on
Yom Ha'atzmaut.
Breslovers are off,
Briskers are off,
Lubavitchers are off. The only true way of
Hashem is the path explicated by
Rav Kook [as he understands it]. This is what he writes all the time.
Is he correct? He is right in believing
passionately in a certain approach and trying to spread his views which he thinks reflect
dvar Hashem but one could definitely argue that HE is mistaken and
dvar Hashem should be understood otherwise [I certainly don't subscribe to many of his opinions].
Vayoel Moshe and
Eim Habonim Smeicha both accurate reflections of
Dvar Hashem? I think not. [If you haven't learned these books I recommend that you do.]
There is the story of the student who once suggested an
interpretation of a
pasuk to
Nechama Leibowitz which she summarily rejected. The student said "
Shivim Panim La'torah!" She answered "Yes, but yours is the seventy first."
When we teach our students we have to make it clear that not everything everybody believes is valid. We must not fudge some very basic issues of
hashkafa on which we differ. Some people believe college is
lichtchila, others believe that it is
assur mi'dioraisa. How can somebody who believes the latter teach the former and someone who believes the former teach the latter?!
A well known Rabbi spoke at my
sheva brachos and [he didn't know me or my wife] so he spoke about how his students are
frum but they go to theatre and the movies [not an exact quote but that was the message] and that's GREAT. Some might argue [like the
chassan at that
simcha] that the immodesty shown on the movie screen renders such entertainment as nothing less than a transgression of "
Vilo sassuru acharei livavchem viacharei eineichem", a contamination of a pure
neshama and [at the very least] a waste of
life's most valuable resource - time.
Was the
chassan right or was the Rabbi right? You decide. But everybody would agree that they weren't both right. When educating children one has to have a clear-cut
hashkafa and try to convey it to his students. This liberal "everybody is right" will produce moral
relativists who lack passion for anything because whatever you do is fine. Ultimately this will result in people justifying all behaviors because "this is the way I see it". I am not making this up. I have seen it too many times.
A Rabbi got up at my son's bar-mitzva and gave a speech which disturbed me greatly. Do I love him? He is a beautiful man! I think he has more merits that I will ever have and "yehei chelki imo". But he was pushing an agenda he received from his Rebbe which I think is a subtle perversion of the Torah.
What is crucial to point out is that at all times we respect those with whom we disagree. Respect, love [heck, kiss the guy if he doesn't mind:)] treat with dignity, care,
daven for and with etc. etc. But love doesn't mean that I condone his way of life or viewpoints.
I also believe that there are many valid paths in Judaism and don't think for a second that everybody has to be what I am [weird?] and this should also be made clear to the students. The Lubavitcher
Rebbe once sent a boy to a
Litvishe Yeshiva because he thought that was right for him.
Rav Shach sent a boy I know to a
Hesder Yeshiva because that was right for him. People have
different spiritual needs and this should be realized by educators.
Satmar Rebbe said that the sea split into 12 sections to teach us that every tribe literally has a different
derech in
Avodas Hashem.
May we all find our personal path to
PS - Again I want to make clear that this piece was an attack against nobody! I just think that it is important that truth not be misrepresented. The Gemara teaches that truth is nothing less than the signature of G-d. I hope my tone was respectful. If I offended anybody I sincerely ask for forgiveness.